Saturday, January 24, 2009

One way to get well

There's physical healing, but you know, my knee didn't just walk into the doctor's office by itself. Emotional and psychological healing are important too.

So since all our cars are more or less junkers and/or hard to get into or out of, we rented a pretty snazzy late model sedan for the weekend, at my husband's suggestion, and took a long drive today. To Pescadero, out on the coast.

Now back in the day, 35 years ago give or take, we used to hang around Pescadero a fair amount, and especially at Duarte's, the town bar. (It isn't much of a town, but it's a heck of a good bar.) Duarte's has been there since the late nineteenth century, pretty much in the form it was in in 1975. Of course I assumed it would have been changed all out of recognition since then.

Pleasant surprise time! The place might as well have been put in a jar, along with the whole rest of the tiny settlement. The same family is still running Duarte's, courtesy of Cindy Duarte, fourth generation, and they still serve artichoke omlets!! Of which I had one, and a couple glasses of wine, and felt pretty good.

Now I hobbled all over on crutches, and didn't keep my leg elevated, and drank wine when I probably shouldn't, given the pain meds.

But you know what? My optimism, which had kind of flagged, was given a great big revival by this (actually quite short) journey.


  1. next time I'm out, you'll have to take me to Duarte's. Artichoke omelets--yummy!!

  2. You bettca, you're on!

    They also make some pretty credible deep-fried calamari. The place was packed, I assume with wealthy types from over the hill in Palo Alto.

    May they live long and prosper.
