Saturday, February 7, 2009

My magpie gets loose in Pescadero

My younger daughter says that I "shop like a magpie," by which she means that when in a store I am quite apt to say, Oh look that thing over there glitters, let's go see!

After that I am quite liable to buy whatever it is.

In Pescadero there is a wonderful gift shop almost next to the bar. The shop is called "Made in Pescadero," and has lovely handmade furniture, wood-kiln-fired pottery and artist-made jewelry. I'm no longer in the furniture-acquisition business (rather, I need to get rid of some), but jewelry and pottery are different.

Besides, jewelry glitters.

The first week we went over there I was still on crutches, but not so disabled as to be insensitive to the attractions of the Good Stuff. Last weekend I was carrying (but not using) a cane, and even more able to shop.

It's surprising how much buying things cheers me up.


  1. I have looked at this for too many days already (!)(yes, you are right, I have little patience)but it was only today that I was moved to question: "is that what a magpie looks like?" I think I always thought they were a type of crow.
    Very pretty bracelet by the way.

  2. Magpies are closely related to crows, yes, and also to jays.

    This picture, however, is of a black-billed magpie. This bird occurs over five continents, including ours. (They are quite common in Europe.) There is only one other variety, very similar, the yellow-billed magpie - has a yellow bill, dig? - found only in California.

    My personal magpie is a traveler, and may equally be found picking up glittery things in shops in California or in Amsterdam. It is hence of the black-billed variety.

  3. You are lucky you didn't blow your knee early in life. It took me about 7 years to recover from my first blown knee, would have taken 2 if arthroscopic surgery had been an option. I had to do it to both knees and my hips before I was 21; sucked.

    You are probably going to feel a wide range of agony when the weather changes or you are tired. Direct heat always helped me; medical marijuana is probably an excellent option to stop the pain & check out. PT should not hurt, if it does the nurse/doctor is giving you bad direction. Pain is a warning sign; in time it gets better.

    Glucosamine & Chondroitin provide spectacular results when you have degenerated joints. Even though you have a new knee you should try these supplements to improve the condition of your other joints.

    Best wishes
